

Membership information

We're a small but growing u3a with members in Okehampton and surrounding villages. A newsletter issued to members at the end of each month gives details of the groups we currently have with contact telephone number of the group leader.

When do we hold monthly meeting open to non-members?

Every third Tuesday of the month, except August and December, we have a general meeting for all members and guests. This is held in Fairplace Church, 3 Fairplace Terrace, Okehampton EX20 1DT at 2.30pm. At this meeting we invite speakers to give a talk designed to be of interest to our membership. Please see Events page for details of 2024-25 meetings.

Where do Groups meet?

Most groups meet in members' houses, except for those too large for this. The larger groups meet in a variety of venues in and around Okehampton. Depending on where the group meetings are held there's a small charge for each meeting. For example, Bridge is held in member’s homes and we pay £2 for refreshments.

How do I join?

You're welcome to attend up to 3 general meetings as a guest before joining and paying a subscription. Annual fee options are on the back of the application form. Please contact our Membership Secretary at: u3amembershipoke@gmail.com.