2024 General Meeting dates, Speakers and outings
All meetings are held in Fairplace Church, 3 Fairplace Terrace, Okehampton, EX20 1D
3rd Tuesday monthly, 2.30pm start.
There's usually parking in front of the Church for Blue Badge holders
Next meeting: 15th October – Gail Hickman
Gail’s talk covers an introduction to DNA testing for the general public, DNA and the law, voluntary and involuntary DNA samples, family searches and family tree building and where to obtain DNA test kits and what to do with the results.
Gail's talk entitled “DNA and Me” will cover the how to, the legalities, the reasons for testing and the safety of it all. She spent more than 30 years working 'on the streets' in Durban, South Africa. As a Christian Voluntary Drug Counsellor and as a private investigator. On coming to England in 2002 she discovered abandoned babies and DNA testing and so the DNA journey began.
19th November – John Walters – The secret world of the undergrowth
4th December … Christmas lunch (members only)
21st January - David Benzie. David will start with an explanation of some AI fundamentals an why it’s so important to understand them. Knowing how AI works, what should we get excited about? Where do we need to be (very) careful? And are there aspects that we really should be scared about?
18th February - David Ramsden, ‘Climate and Ecological Crisis? What’s all the fuss about?’ This easy-to-follow look at the whole subject is aimed primarily at people who don’t understand our global situation, and people who think they do.
18th March – Emma Cumis – Dartmoors Daughter ‘Myths and Legends’ Inside every seemingly strange story of witches, black dogs, and ghostly happenings on Dartmoor is a small kernel of truth. What are the real histories or possible origins behind the devil at Widecombe church; Hairy Hands; Faithless Wives of Chagford; Hound of the Baskervilles; Bowerman’s Nose and Hound Tor; and more?
1st April … afternoon guided walk on Dartmoor by Emma Cumis as a follow up to her talk. There will be a charge of between £10 and £20, depending on numbers (Maximum 25 - members only).
15th April 2.15pm start for AGM – 2.30pm Ruth Stainer-Smith from Okehampton Beekeepers Association. Her talk includes an introduction to honeybees and their relationships to other insects. Climate issues: effects on people and pollinators.
20th May Marilyn MacQueen – Entertains us about her life as a Police Officer.
17th June – Ashley Jones. Douglas Bader – Reach for the sky and beyond. This presentation, illustrated with slides, animation and video clips, explores the life of perhaps the most famous and enigmatic fighter ace in the history of the Royal Air Force.
15th July – Nick Clyburn. Air Traffic Control Operations. How air traffic control works.
16th September - Sean Jones, Police Community Support Officer for Devon and Cornwall Police, will be giving us an overview of policing in Okehampton and plans for the Police station.
21st October - Richard Clear – Richard is the local contact for Read Easy, a national charity providing a free, confidential and one-to-one teaching facility for adults who have either not learnt to read or have reading difficulties.
18th November -Todd Gray Exeter lost several hundred historic buildings in the nineteenth century. Some losses were accidental (fire) but the majority of the destruction was deliberately carried out by local authorities. Todd will use Artis’s images to highlight the magnificent buildings which once graced the city.
December - date TBA - Christmas Lunch (Members only).
It would be really helpful if you would please email chair@okehampton-u3a.org.uk if you would like to attend any of our meetings. Everyone welcome. All we ask is for £1 towards venue hire, speaker expenses and refreshments.