The University of the Third Age
u3a is a UK-wide collection of 1000+ charities that provide the opportunity for those no longer in work to come together and learn for fun.. We give you the chance to develop your interests, make new friends and enjoy yourself. Pursue your interests at leisure. Share skills, knowledge and experiences. Make new friends and have fun.
Okehampton u3a
You're very welcome to come to any monthly meeting. Please refer to our 'Events' page for details of speakers over the next few months. If you’re thinking of attending it’s a good idea to contact us by email beforehand, via the Contact page, then we can arrange to meet and introduce you to the organisers of any special-interest groups you might like to know about.
We're a small, friendly, fun loving but growing u3a in Okehampton ... on the north edge of Dartmoor. Members aren't just from Okehampton as many live in surrounding villages. We have several groups covering a diverse range of interests.
Please see the Membership, Groups and Events sections of the website for more information.